I think it is safe to say we have all run into things in our lives,

be it our health, our financial education, any number of goals as well, where we may not of had all the answers but at a certain point you relax, have a level of confidence around the subject and move forward.

This is precisely where my client and now friend, found himself, after doing his own due diligence through books, videos and Podcast and talking with me to help guide him and answer the questions that came up.

He took the Leap of Faith necessary to get started as soon as he had, and felt the confidence and understanding. Which is great for he and his family because the tool (Whole Life Insurance) performs better over time. The longer the runway the better it performs. This is not to say, that after 60 or even 70 this is not a tool for you! It only means as soon as you understand the big pieces of it, it may be the time to take a leap of faith.

And as it turned out for Todd all the gears of the tool are working the way he expected them too. And so, the leap of faith has turned out to be a good thing for he and his family and their small business they run and own in their quaint town outside of Iowa City, IA.

Listen in as he tells his story and about his journey and how he and his wife Jennifer were able to leverage policy loans to receive a low interest loan for their business. And he mentions how a dental office paid off all their debt using this same tool.

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I always want to share beyond finance so here is to your Health… Todd recommended this to me a few months ago.

A of course a book recommendation: Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon Dr. Joe Dispenza