Infinite Wealth Blog

10 Unique Traits of Whole Life Insurance You Probably Didn’t Know

10 Unique Traits of Whole Life Insurance You Probably Didn’t Know

It’s a Private Contract
One of my favorite things about whole life insurance is the privacy afforded to you and all other policyholders. No one outside of the insurance company has a right to see or access your policy information. This includes the IRS, creditors, and other institutions who might want a peek at what you’ve got. Whatever’s in your policy is between you and your carrier, and it’s as simple and powerful as that.

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Financial Peace is Possible

Financial Peace is Possible

Finances can be a sensitive topic because often it’s about more than just money. It’s about hopes, habits, dreams, and more. You deserve to feel a sense of peace about your finances. More than that, peace should be the NORM when it comes to discussing finances.

One way to find that peace is to dissolve the “mysteries” of money, and especially dissolving the fear tactics often used in financial conversations. Your financial well-being doesn’t have to depend on the big “what-ifs” of the stock market, nor should you have to worry about the next recession, what is happening to the banks, etc.

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Life Takes Time

Life Takes Time

Life takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you’ll find that most things worth doing can’t be created in a day either. Stories take time, energy, and dedication to the craft. A career requires the same to build. And you can’t have an abundant savings account overnight. Even our hobbies require time to nurture the necessary skills.

Part of the beauty of life is that there’s no prescribed timeline for your life to unfold. You simply decide something is worth doing and watch as it transforms your life before your eyes. It may happen slowly, but that’s the beauty of it.

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Surround Yourself with Mentors

Surround Yourself with Mentors

You don’t know what you don’t know.

The problem is that many people are to busy or are plum tuckered out to learn new material. And while complete omniscience is not possible for us humans, knowledge is a blessing. The pursuit of knowledge is a noble one, and it can enrich our lives in many ways.

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Your Relationship to Money? (Part 2)

Your Relationship to Money? (Part 2)

Last week, I mentioned that money has energy. What did I mean?

One of the ways that I believe money has energy is in how we give and receive money. For example, when you give something freely and with a mindset of abundance, you liberate the person receiving it from feelings of guilt, shame, etc. On the other hand, if you give something away out of fear or obligation, the person on the receiving end may be overwhelmed with their own negative feelings.

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What’s Your Relationship to Money?

What’s Your Relationship to Money?

Money has energy attached to it. And often the feelings we attach to our dollars are a direct reflection of how we perceive our own lives.

If you believe that money is the root of all evil, that clouds how you view your relationship with financial exchanges. On the other hand, if you believe that money is a tool to ascribe value and express appreciation, that is also likely apparent in your dealings.

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